Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!  Jai Beloved Goddesses Chinnamasta, Kali, Dhumavati, Ssah, Manasa, Naga Kanya, Pacha Mama!   Thank you for your protective GRACE.  I declare my Being, the Serpents in my care, my work, &this website Sacred , Divine, & Sovereign!  NO non-beneficial entities shall pass ,as per divine cosmic law!  And so it is. 

Serpent Mama

Jen Goss - Sacred Serpent Mama
Honored Guide & Liaison for
Serpents & Humans to connect deeply

My path this incarnation did not open to being a human mama, but these beloved serpents
(as well as my clients) have awakened me to the gift of "motherhood" in astounding ways,
teaching me endless lessons (and sometimes heartaches) as I give my heart and soul to
caring for these sacred beings. 

I have been moving energy in my body consciously as a dancer since I was 6 years old, then later traveling the world performing and teaching various dance forms, and currently still serving as a professional partnership dance instructor.  I am a Somatic Therapist with an aptitude for delving into the unknown, unseen, sometimes "dark" subtle energies for empowered transformation.  I am passionate about sacred relationships with self, others, and all.  I work with clients to bring freedom from the false, uncovering their own authentic paths, and deepening into their unique gifts to live their fullest lives and most fulfilling embodied journeys. 

Being initiated as a Sacred Serpent Priestess was the ideal culmination of my talents and
subtle world inclinations.  I so resonate with the snakes compassionately fierce wholeness, unapologetic strength and depth, living unaffected by the misperceptions and judgments
of the world and our own minds. 

We are blissful sensuality, raw power, and deep truth!

Additionally, I am a practitioner and certified teacher of the Holy Womb Chakra System, an ancient knowledge re-opened by Sri Kaleshwar in India who was instructed internally by Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba (and others) to discover this hidden technology written on sacred palm leaf manuscripts. The Holy Womb Chakra system uses heartful intention, focus, mantras (sacred sounds), and yantras (sacred diagrams) to heal, clear and empower our Womb Chakra (exists in all gendered beings). Benefits include strengthening relationships, clearing betrayals & heartaches, protection from confusing illusions & negativity, healing & opening in various aspects of pre-conception, pregnancy, birthing, & raising children, and increased connection to cosmic source which opens our power to pull from divine energy for our life's creations and manifestations.

If you wish to work with me in my capacity as a Licensed Somatic Psychotherapist, or for more information about therapy offerings (without serpents) please email me or visit my website: www.embodiedjourneys.com.  I offer assistance & support with conscious integration of serpent medicine, alleviating blocks & tapping into unknown edges in your psyche that may be holding you back from your greatest authentic expression, processing & healing anxiety, depression, trauma, & overall support to increase empowerment & conscious awareness of your own unique path & gifts.

Our Family

I couldn't do a fraction of what I offer in the world without the ever-present, grounding, supportive love of my Soul Love Husband of almost a quarter of a century, and amazing Serpent Papa, Dennis.

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